Archeiai Guidance Scroll

Call on me to see all sides of any situation. The truth for you is not always the same truth for someone else. Everyone has their own truth based on their own life circumstances. I am here to help you seek your truth. It is safe to be honest with yourself. Knowing who you truly are will set you free. There are two kinds of truth. One is Universal Truth […]

Archeia Sophia is the Angel of Truth

Call on me for divine guidance on your spiritual journey.  I walk with you and hold space for this journey you are on.  I watch over you as you grow and develop into the person you came here to be.  I support you and provide the safe environment for you to explore this world. Divine Guidance Every single person is intuitive and everyone has the ability to communicate directly with […]

Archeia Shekinah is the Angel of Patience

Call on me for love and acceptance for yourself and others. Everyone is a child of God. There are no mistakes and no failures. There is only love and acceptance of where you are right now on your spiritual journey. You are exactly where you are supposed to be and you are worthy and perfect exactly as you are. Acceptance is a profound, perhaps the most profound, way of being […]

Archeia Seraphina is the Angel of Charity

Call on me to increase your faith in yourself, humanity, God, and the process of life itself. I am here to help you remember that you are surrounded and protected at all times. Just as the sun rises and sets, I am constant and unwavering in my devotion to you. You are safe and loved. The key that opens the door to infinite abundance in life is faith. All abundance […]

Archeia Mikaela is the Angel of Faith

Call on me to help you see the beauty in everything. I will help you peel away the layers of shame, guilt and judgment to get to the beauty within your being. Appearances are not always as they seem. As you look deeper within yourself and every person you meet, you will see the magnificence of your being. Look at everyone and everything with the eyes of God. To See […]

Archeia Maryllisa is the Angel of Radiance

Call on me for optimal health and healing of your mind, body and spirit. I facilitate your growth — physically, emotionally and spiritually. Just as a seed grows from the soil, I am the foundation that provides the love and nurturing you need to blossom into the person you came here to be. Spiritual growth is a process of inner awakening and becoming conscious of your inner being. It means […]

Archeia Mareia is the Angel of Virtue

Call on me for forgiveness of yourself and others, but especially yourself. Everyone is doing the best that they can with the knowledge and experience they have in this moment in time. There is no judgment by God or the Angels. We only have compassion and love for you. Forgiveness is the cornerstone of healing and healing is a transformational process. The key is to release suffering and increase inner […]

Archeia Magdalena is the Angel of Mercy

Call on me to help you remember WHO YOU ARE. When you feel lost or out of sorts, I will bring you back to balance and return you to the core of your being, which is pure love. I am here to bring you comfort and stability. As you become grounded and centered you will become clear and focused on your power and your place in this world. God and […]

Archeia Christophina is the Angel of Clarity

Call on me to help you see the true colors of the world. I am here to uncover the darkness so you can see the light. I illuminate the way to all the goodness in the world and I help you to see the beauty in everything. By focusing on the light in your life, you hold the power to transform the world. “If you change the way you look […]

Archeia Aurora is the Angel of Grace

Call on me to help you speak your truth and deliver your important message to the world. I am here to lift you up and give voice to your hopes and dreams. I give rise to your confidence in yourself and your desires so that you may share your gifts with the world. “When you stand and share your story in an empowering way, your story will heal you and […]

Archeia Annunciata is the Angel of Hope