

There are various ways to meet and interact with the feminine aspects of the Archangels, known as the Archeiai. In addition to social media updates, blog posts can be found on the Archeiai Guidance Scroll, see our Weekly Archeiai Guidance Card Readings on Facebook or visit our YouTube Channel to subscribe.

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The modern-day Siren is an archetype that embodies the Spirit of the Sea. It is applicable to anyone who can dive below the surface of their intellect to explore the depths of their inner world for the purpose of self-healing and personal empowerment.

Chakra Sirens Energy Healing Cards are designed to guide you to access your intuition and reveal the hidden wisdom that lies beneath the surface of your conChakra Sirens Energy Healing Cardsscious mind. They will help you discover a whole new world, a world within yourself, where you tap into your personal power to make life choices that will take you to greater levels of peace, happiness, and fulfillment while expressing your most authentic and creative self.

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