Each Archeiai Has Her Own Talent

Each Archeiai has her own area of expertise and can be called upon to help you in these areas of your life:

Archeia Amethystia – Angel of Purity

Keyword: Release

She helps us to purify our thoughts and lives by letting go of what no longer serves us. Call on her to help you release toxic people, jobs, food, and chemicals in your environment. By letting go, you make room for more abundance and blessings to come in.

Archeia Annunciata – Angel of Hope

Keyword: Connection

She shows us that we are all connected and gives us courage to share our hopes and dreams with each other.  When we have the courage to share the story of our lives with others, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same. Sharing with others connects us all and helps us to live in peace and harmony.

Archeia Aurora – Angel of Grace

Keyword: Transformation

She helps us to transform our thoughts and lives into beauty. You cannot live a positive life with negative thoughts. Call on her to help you to see the good in everyone and every situation. A change in attitude has the power to change the situation at hand.

Archeia Christophina – Angel of Clarity

Keyword: Balance

She helps us to get back to center and creates balance in our lives. Whenever life is overwhelming, she reminds us to take a deep breath and get quiet. In the stillness is where the answers lie and she is there to help you listen.

Archeia Magdalena – Angel of Mercy

Keyword: Forgiveness

She helps us to forgive others and ourselves. Forgiveness is necessary for you to have a life full of love. Forgiving someone who has harmed you in some way is one of the greatest spiritual gifts you can give yourself. But forgiving yourself for all the things you wish you could have done differently, is the greatest gift of all.

Archeia Mareia – Angel of Virtue

Keyword: Growth

She helps us to grow into the person we came here to be. It’s important to remember that growth is a process and no experience is ever wasted. Everything you are going through in your life is all part of your spiritual journey and necessary to get you there. Call on her for guidance as you go through the lessons you came here to learn.

Archeia Maryllisa – Angel of Radiance

Keyword: Shine

She helps us see the beauty of who we truly are. She shows us how to get past the blocks of guilt and shame to see the beauty in ourselves and in everyone and everything we come into contact with. Once the blocks are gone, we can step into our own light and shine for everyone to see.

Archeia Mikaela – Angel of Faith

Keyword: Trust

She helps us to trust the process of life and to know that we are always surrounded and protected by God’s love.  Faith is living with conviction that God knows better than we do how to work things out for our best and highest good.  She reminds us that worry is a total waste of time and energy.

Archeia Seraphina – Angel of Charity

Keyword: Acceptance

She helps us to accept others and ourselves for who we are. Regret doesn’t change the past. It only robs you of living fully in the present moment – mistakes and all. Once you stop fighting the past, you can accept where you are on your path and let it unfold before you without judgment.

Archeia Shekinah – Angel of Patience

Keywords: Divine Timing

She shows us how to trust God’s divine timing so we can live in the here and now. When you try to force things to happen, you are not going with the flow of life. It is not your job to decide how and when things are supposed to happen. It is your job to relax, wait for the signs from above, and enjoy this wonderful life.

Archeia Sophia – Angel of Truth

Keyword: Honesty

She helps us to look honestly at who we truly are. It is important to know why you do the things you do. Self-awareness is having a clear perception of your strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, beliefs, motivation and emotions. The more you understand these things in yourself, the less judgmental you become of others.