Call on me for divine guidance on your spiritual journey. I walk with you and hold space for this journey you are on. I watch over you as you grow and develop into the person you came here to be. I support you and provide the safe environment for you to explore this world.
Divine Guidance
Every single person is intuitive and everyone has the ability to communicate directly with the Divine. This includes God (Spirit, Universe, or whatever you call the Divine) and your guardian angels. Angels are the messengers of God so communication and guidance are their specialties. Angelic guidance is one and the same as communicating with God. Angels aren’t interested in being worshipped, that is a man-made concept. They do appreciate gratitude because it is aligned with the energy of peace and love. The energy of peace and love is in the realm of God and the Angels and when you express it you are speaking their language.
Your intuition is how you receive divine guidance from God and the Angels. It is one of your senses and you can develop it with practice and faith. Some people are naturally gifted with this sense, and are referred to as intuitive or psychic. In truth, we are all psychic, but many people choose to deny or ignore it. Learning to interpret intuitive messages and trust your intuitive instincts can be helpful in so many ways. Learning to trust what you know is right for you, and asking for guidance to help reassure you, can alleviate stress, guide you to your purpose and create much more peace in your life.
If you feel at all interested in learning more about your intuition, then you are being divinely guided to do so and Spirit is reaching out to help you. Simply make the choice and ask your Angles for their help. Learning to recognize guidance is very useful, otherwise you might simply dismiss your intuitive feelings as fake or just coincidence. The most important thing is to learn to not only have faith in God, but also to have faith in yourself. Trust your instincts and intuition about everything! When you are uncertain, ask your angels for a sign to confirm the messages you are receiving.
Divine guidance will come in the form that Spirit knows will get your attention and will be completely unique to you. After all, each person is totally different, so the forms of intuitive communication will differ from person to person.
Perfect Timing
The Divine knows the right and perfect time for all events to take place, and this knowing usually happens on a much different schedule from your limited human time frame. Human timing is very demanding; you want what you want right now, because you know best. When the Universe’s timing and yours go hand in hand, you are happy because you got what you wanted. However, when you do not get what you want in the time frame you demand, you’re not happy. Usually, when the Universe takes its own sweet time it is really for your benefit. The Divine knows quite a bit more about this life experience than you can perceive.
You have been shown time and again that the Divine knows best. Yet you spend so much time and energy trying to manipulate your circumstances. God and the Angels want you to know you are always taken care of even if it does not look like it in the moment.
By allowing the Divine to take the lead in your life, you will have more peace and less stress. Knowing you do not need to worry about what is going to happen, how it is going to happen or when, gives you the freedom to enjoy life. Of course you will still have your free will and will continue to do your best while allowing the Divine to assist you.
When things don’t happen in your time frame it can be very frustrating. Many people either lose faith, or force solutions that don’t end up actually bringing them their desired results. But you can’t yell at a flower to make it bloom. We live in a self-organizing and self-guiding Universe where an embryo becomes a baby, a bud becomes a blossom, and an acorn becomes an oak tree. Clearly, there is an invisible force that is moving every aspect of your life to its next best expression. The key is to trust in this force. If you look back at the timing of your own life you can see it for yourself.
Magical Moments
Life unfolds in the present moment. But the present will pass you by when you are worrying about the future or regretting things that happened in the past. When you spend more time doing than being, you’re not practicing enjoying the moment.
There are people who when at work will fanaticize about being on vacation, and then while on vacation, will worry about the work piling up on their desk. Some people dwell on memories of the past or worry about what may or may not happen in the future. You can’t live in the present when you have what’s called a “monkey mind” that swings from thought to thought like monkeys swing from tree to tree.
Most people aren’t aware of their thoughts. Rather, they let their thoughts control them. In order to feel more in control of your mind and your life, to find a sense of balance, you need to take a deep breath and be still. Learn to stop doing and focus on just being.
Living in the moment can also be called mindfulness and is when all of your attention is on the present moment. When you become mindful, you realize that you are not your thoughts. Rather, you become an observer of your thoughts from moment to moment without judging them. Mindfulness involves being with your thoughts as they are, and allowing them to be as they are. Instead of letting your life go by without living it, you begin to awaken to every experience in each moment.
You can become mindful at any moment just by paying attention to your immediate experience. You can do it right now. Think of yourself as witness of what is happening right now and just observe the moment.
Mindfulness is setting the intention of paying attention to what’s happening at the present moment. Become aware of being alive. If you’re aware of this moment right now, you’re living in the present and each moment becomes magical!