Archeia Maryllisa is the Angel of Radiance

Call on me to help you see the beauty in everything. I will help you peel away the layers of shame, guilt and judgment to get to the beauty within your being. Appearances are not always as they seem. As you look deeper within yourself and every person you meet, you will see the magnificence of your being. Look at everyone and everything with the eyes of God.

To See and Know the Light Within

In the physical realm, “to love” generally means to “feel good about” someone or something. In the heavens, however, “to love” means “to see and know the light within.” God and the Angels see the light that lies beneath the surface of your being and in all things no matter what. They see beyond the illusions you create, and know you as something more beautiful and eternal than the roles you play out on earth.

You are a divine radiant being who has so much to offer this world. You are blessed with gifts, talents and love to shine on everyone. Part of the journey here is to access this light and let it shine out into the world. To become a beacon of light and love to those around you, simply count your blessings and appreciate all the things the Universe has already given you. Then recognize you are already divine by being a blessing to others.

The Light Inside You is Already On

Don’t make the mistake of waiting for something outside of yourself to happen or wondering if the Universe is going to make you into something better down the line. Understand that your divine presence is everything you will ever need here to feel loved and full of joy. The light inside you is already on and shining for others to see. Yet, because you’re not looking at your own light you may be missing it.
If you are taking your life for granted or obsessing about the past or future, you could be blinded from seeing the beauty of your magnificence within. Old wounds or traumas can cause blocks and keep you from seeing the light of your being and tempt you to see yourself from the limited perspectives of others. Who you truly are is even more powerful and glorious than the sun. The secret to clearing away the blocks, limited beliefs and negative thoughts is by looking at the truth of your divine being.

How to Magnify Your Energy

At the core of your being resides an internal flame of light, love and radiance. Sit with this focus for 5-10 minutes each day. It’s worth your time. This is who you truly are. This will also allow others to see your bright light. To magnify the energy of your internal light, look at yourself in the mirror each day and say, “I am a divine being of pure love and light.” Mirrors reflect back to you your divine essence. They show you clearly the love and light that you are. Notice how you feel about yourself when you do this exercise. If you find yourself hesitant or resistant to looking yourself in the eyes and saying positive things, ask yourself what old beliefs are holding you back from seeing the true beauty of your being. This exercise will help you to recognize any beliefs that are blocking your light and need to be released.

Another amazing thing that happens when you pay attention to your inner light and presence is that you increase your manifestation


abilities. The more frequently you allow your light to shine through, the faster you manifest those things you deeply desire into your physical world. Just like the sun has a magnetic field that keeps all the planets magnetized to it, so too, does your inner sun attract beautiful experiences to you. The radiant nature of your core is extremely powerful, beautiful and unstoppable. When you let it shine on others, they are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. Once this shining power is unleashed, the entire world magically starts conspiring to help manifest your dreams into reality.

It is Time to Shine Your Light

You may sometimes dim your inner light as a way of playing small so as to not threaten others who are near and dear to your heart. It’s time to stop playing small, and start playing big. When you let your inner light shine, and fully step into your power, you automatically empower others to do the same. If one by one, we all let our inner light shine brightly for others to see, we create a wave of light that will soon spread across the world and shine as brilliantly as the sun. Shining your light proudly and brightly for all to see is the surest and fastest way to enlighten the world around you. So take off your lampshade, and let everyone see how truly brilliant and magnificent you are.

Marianne Williamson’s famous quote shows us the essence of Archeia Maryllisa and our true purpose here on earth. She was channeling the Angel of Radiance when she said:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”