The Key to Unlocking Your Intuition

The Archeiai are calling on us to tap into our intuition at this time. We have been entrenched in logic and rationality for so long that we have blocked our natural ability to listen to and be guided by our intuition. The key to becoming intuitive is as simple as understanding the basic principles of masculine and feminine energy.

Giving :: Receiving

Giving, as we have all been trained to do from a very early age, is actually masculine energy. Receiving is the essence of feminine energy. The best way to grasp this concept is to think of male and female anatomy for a moment. While everyone is made up of both masculine and feminine energy, we have been taught “to give is better than to receive.” We have also been taught that receiving is downright selfish. This is one of the biggest blocks we have to tapping into our intuition because the flow of energy stops when we are always giving and never receiving. Learning to receive graciously, without guilt or the need for reciprocity, will help you balance out the flow of masculine and feminine energy.

Thinking :: Feeling

Thinking is masculine energy and feeling is feminine energy. To become more in tune to feminine energy, start by paying attention to how you feel, not just what you think. To get out of your head, start paying attention to the things that make you feel good. Most people are more aware of things that make them feel bad, but they tend to get stuck there. Learning to pay attention to the things you love helps you to focus on your heart center where your feelings reside. Instead of asking yourself what you think about something, tune into your body and ask how you feel about it. Your body, not your brain, is the barometer for your intuition.

Doing :: Being

Most people have heard that to become more intuitive you need to meditate. But if you’ve never meditated before, sitting and just being, can be challenging. This is because we have also been taught “don’t just sit there, do something!” Idle time and daydreaming have not been considered virtuous. In fact, busyness is the cornerstone of our ambition-driven world. But when we can relax, take some deep breaths and get quiet, we can hear the little voice inside of us. That is your intuition talking. And when you can get to a place instead where you “don’t just do something, sit there!” your intuition will come through loud and clear.

When you look at how out of balance we have been in terms of masculine and feminine energy, you can see how our intuition has been completely shut off, or not listened to and trusted. Training yourself to receive graciously, to pay attention to your feelings, and to just be instead of always doing takes a lot of practice and awareness. But once you start to master it, your intuition will naturally start to increase.

Call on the Archeiai to help you tap into your feminine energy and to bring balance within yourself. Tapping into your feminine side to balance out the masculine energy is the key to unlocking your intuition.